Our online store sells clothes, shoes and other industrial goods from leading brands in the world with fast delivery and processing of orders 24 hours a day. Yes, we love our business and ordering goods from us, you make the right choice!
We analyze thousands of product offers from other sellers and guarantee the lowest prices for goods, permanent promotions and special offers. Subscribe to them and we will gently inform you about the most favorable prices in the market.
This store is operated by the CS-Cart platform - the most friendly and convenient CMS for online stores designed for users who care about the convenience of administering and using the client part.
CS-Cart - the best solution for creating your own online store, because of the box has all the functionality, that is used by the largest stores around the world. Developers constantly update the platform: they support world trends in the development of e-commerce, correct errors and increase the already extensive functionality.
Like other 50,000 online stores around the world, our store has been implemented very quickly and efficiently, it will be constantly updated in the future, which means it will work quickly and safely.
Youpi is a technological template that turns your online store into a living advertising booklet for every page with product lists in which you can use media banners with content of different types. All this is done so that you get the most out of your investment.
The Youpi template is:
Youpi for CS-Cart uses an innovative model of maximum involvement of the buyer in the process of working with the catalog. The template is designed in such a way, that no one promo or content message will not go unnoticed by buyers: after all, all the messages are delivered directly to the catalog among the product offers (no separate blocks in the usual places, where buyers no longer pay attention, considering these places useless). Yes, recent research shows, that users ignore the usual advertising in dedicated places.
It is, indeed, the most modern and technological template for an online store, which allows you to create quality advertising messages without design skills: after all, every media banner is "alive" and consists of controlled from admin-panel elements (picture, header text, description of the sentence, text buttons, video).
Yes, in our online store right in the directory you get online consultations, study the recommendations of experts in selecting products according to your interests, see all the active promos and easily make your choice.
We use the expert advice factor by our experts effectively: in the product catalog you can see banners with video recommendations on the selection of products, product ratings, etc. Each material is prepared once, but provokes thousands of sales. This is a real godsend for the e-marketer.
The developers of our template conducted a large research, involved in the development of experts in the field of usability and SEO and also consulted with leading specialists in the design integration for online stores. And all this was done specifically to ensure that we sold more, than our competitors.
We follow simple instructions, create content and sell it (hundreds, thousands of sales). Search engines love us, they record simply amazing behavioral factors and rank us higher than our competitors.
Yes ... it's a victory.
Un Marketplace es un punto centralizado donde existe la libre oferta y demanda. Al llevarlo a Internet, un mercado en línea permite el registro de vendedores y compradores que interactúan entre sí para suplir necesidades y adquirir productos y servicios. Al centralizarse bajo el ecosistema, es decir, una plataforma de comercio electrónica única, las acciones son reguladas por el Marketplace lo que a su vez brinda garantías de seguridad para ambos lados de la transacción comercial.
En Marketplace Ecuador, aspiramos a ser el principal medio transaccional en línea del país. Comprendemos las dificultades que enfrentan los comerciantes al tener que pagar comisiones y costos adicionales por métodos de envío. Por eso, en Marketplace Ecuador, ofrecemos la posibilidad de crear productos libres de comisión. Esto permite que cada producto o servicio se ofrezca al mejor precio competitivo, atrayendo a más consumidores y beneficiando tanto a vendedores como a compradores.
Tener una tienda online es una gran iniciativa, y en Marketplace Ecuador apoyamos al 100% el emprendimiento digital y el paso que tu negocio ha dado. No queremos que cierres tu tienda en línea; al contrario, queremos brindarte un canal de venta adicional para complementar tu tienda ya establecida.
Gestionar una tienda online requiere preocuparse tanto por el mantenimiento como por atraer visitantes. Al unirte a nuestro Marketplace, solo necesitas enfocarte en ofrecer tus productos y servicios. Nosotros nos encargamos de atraer visitantes al Marketplace, permitiéndote aprovechar el tráfico de usuarios que ya confían en nuestra plataforma.
En Natumarket valoramos mucho la seguridad de nuestros clientes, por ello verificamos exhaustivamente cada nuevo vendedor que abra su cuenta gratuita en nuestra plataforma. El principal requisito es tener un RUC activo.